Church Members in area nursing homes/ rehabilitation centers/ homebound
Alan Floyd
Those serving in the Armed Forces:
Members: Kody Foster
Family & Friends: Philip Boots, Judge Clark, Truett Floyd, Stephen Fuller, Jonathan Merck, Christina Olson, David Shingleton, Brianna Spears, Robby York
College students:
Lexie Godfrey, Randy Lee, Victoria Wright
Our Ongoing Prayer List:
Members Family & Friends
Lanora Andrews Curtis Adams
Larry & Bobbie Bartlett Carolyn Allen
Tommy Cole Sawyer Canady & family
Carrie Harris John & Dianne Forbes
Kade Kellum
William Price Shirley Moorhead
Linda Segers Nancy Day Morgan
Rickey & Melanie Roberts Lily Hope Osborne
Don & Marilyn Styles Darian Phillips
Jimmy Vaughn Howard Sheriff
Billy Vickery Wyatt Terrell
Jessie & Lindsay Walker
Michael Weaver
Rick Woodward
***Church Announcements***
All events are subject to change, be cancelled or postponed
Keep a check on our facebook page & web page for updates.
Sunday School @ 10:00 a.m. Classes for everyone!
Special Prayer Time every Sunday @ 9:45 a.m.
in the Middle School SS Room. Casey invites everyone to join him as we pray for our Sunday School, our church & our pastor!
Sunday Morning Worship services @ 11:00 a.m. Also streaming on Facebook Live.
No Sunday Evening Service at this time
Bible Study with Pastor Brandon Wednesdays @ 6:30 p.m. All are welcome!
Team Kid Summer Program & Youth Wednesdays @ 6:30 p.m.
Meal Served 5:15-6:20 p.m.
PGBC Kids are spreading God’s love!
Please bring your children to join us at the Veranda Personal Care Home in Carnesville on Saturday, February 8th at 10:30 a.m. We will pass out Valentines and a small gift to each of the residents. Weather permitting we will go to the playground at Lavonia City Park (behind city hall) and have lunch afterwards. Please let Lana King know if you are planning to come so that we have enough food. The Veranda is located at 20 McEntire Street Carnesville GA.
Brotherhood Meeting
Monday, February 10th @ 7:00 p.m.
All men are invited to attend!
Brotherhood Valentine Banquet – February 15, 2025 5:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker – Robbie Hill
Brotherhood will furnish BBQ Pork & Chicken Strips.
Please sign up if you plan to attend and if you would like to bring a side dish. Sign up sheets are at both entrances.
Everyone is invited!
Baptisms on Sunday, February 16, 2025
If you would like to be baptized, please see Pastor Brandon.
Harvesters Meeting (Our Senior Adult Ministry)
Tuesday, February 18th @ 12:00 p.m.
Bring a covered dish and join us!